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    The Legend of Zelda Hyrule Encyclopedia
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The Legend of Zelda Hyrule Encyclopedia

by Tokuma

$46.42 USD

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This is a Japanese-language illustration (art) book.

Celebrate 30 years of "Zelda" with the amazing Hyrule Encyclopedia!

This massive book is 320 pages long, loaded with full color images, features a hard cover with dust jacket, and is separated into three main chapters. The first is a visual encyclopedia with information on characters, weapons, Hyrule and more. The second chapter contains a list of dungeons, items, cities, and enemies. And the third chapter features storylines and notes of each game in the series up to "The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes"! A must-have addition to any Zelda fan's collection!

Note: All text is in Japanese.


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