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    Petite Sample: Gelateria Puccini
  • Status Feb. Release
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  • Price $33.98 USD
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Feb. Release

Petite Sample: Gelateria Puccini

by Re-Ment

$33.98 USD $35.77 USD

This item is limited to 5 per person.

This item is expected to release in Feb. 2025. Preorder yours now! You will not be charged until the item is released and your order is filled.


This is a set of clothes or accessories for figures.

Re-Ment brings us a long-established gelateria, ready to serve up gorgeous and luxurious desserts! This box contains everything you need to recreate this elegant shop, with plenty of elements such as a showcase window that opens and closes, and spoons and serving utensils that can be inserted into the gelato! Two types of diorama backgrounds are included -- one inside the store and one outside; you can display the items together with whichever one you choose! Order yours today!

One box of this item contains a complete set of the possible types. 


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