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    Knights Superior (Unlimited Universe Megalomaria)
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Knights Superior (Unlimited Universe Megalomaria)

by Kotobukiya

$46.13 USD $46.60 USD

Available preorder slots are full. Expected release date is Dec. 2024. We will accept additional orders then if stock is available.


This is an injection-plastic kit of a science-fiction/anime item.

Kotobukiya addds a vehicle-type item to their "Unlimited Universe Megalomaria" action-figure kit lineup to make your heroes shine even more! The heavy motorcycle Knights Superior is designed with the assumption that large characters such as Mephisto and Ghillie Dhu will ride it.

It's been designed with a differnt appraoch from the existing "Gigantic Arms Rapid Raider" and "Hexa Gear Bandit Wheel;" the main frame has a simple structure with emphasis on the motorcycle's details. It is a hub-center steering bike, which is rarely seen in real-world vehicles, and it is also possible to add a steering angle to the wheel (there is no suspension function). The organic pipeline is shaped at the bottom of the front scanner, and the design will enhance the character. The exterior uses 3mm connections and a HEXA-G.R.M.A.L. system, meaning it can be removed and combined with items of other series as well. Order yours today!

  • [Size]: Approximately 24.8cm long when completed
  • [Materials]: PS, ABS


Assembly Guide

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