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    Kimepuni Aphrodite [Goddess' Vaginal Flora]
  • Status Nov. Release
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  • Price $33.27 USD
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Nov. Release

Kimepuni Aphrodite [Goddess' Vaginal Flora]


$33.27 USD

This item is expected to release in Nov. 2024. Preorder yours now! You will not be charged until the item is released and your order is filled.


This is a sex toy for men that can be penetrated.

This onahole, named after the Greek goddess of love and beauty, promises abundant pleasure! In the center of the plump delta is a narrow opening, and beyond this opening is a sticky, tight, bright red mucous membrane that's ready to provide you with a special kind of bliss! The inner passage is loaded with granular warts and triple folds all over the tight mucous membrane; it's easy to handle, and in addition to its smooth, moist texture, it's made of a material that minimizes unpleasant odor and stickiness. A sample of lubricating lotion is included. Order yours today!

  • [Size]: 16cm x 8cm x 6cm


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