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    ES Gokin Kyatto Ninden Teyandee / Samurai Pizza Cats: Nyago King / Super Catatonic
  • Status Discontinued
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  • Price $115.58 USD
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ES Gokin Kyatto Ninden Teyandee / Samurai Pizza Cats: Nyago King / Super Catatonic

by Art Storm

$115.58 USD

This item is discontinued and is not expected to come back into stock.


This is a posable action figure.

Fewture brings us an awesomely posable figure of the Nyago King from "Kyatto Ninden Teyandee" (also called the Supreme Catatonic in "Samurai Pizza Cats")! It's about 19cm tall, can transform into its Sphinx mode, and also comes with extra hands and weapons!  Don't miss out--order it nyao!


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