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    Mechatro WeGo No.01 "Red & Yellow"
  • Status Discontinued
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  • Price $13.48 USD
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1/35 Mechatro WeGo No.01 "Red & Yellow"

by Hasegawa

$13.48 USD $16.85 USD

This item is discontinued and is not expected to come back into stock.


This is an injection-plastic kit of a science-fiction/anime item.

Here's an assembly of the delightful "Mechatro WeGo," the Mechatrobot for children. The WeGo is the world’s smallest Mechatrobot, which was specifically designed to make children's school commutes easier and faster in under-populated areas, and for various recreational purposes. This snapfit kit is molded in color so paint isn't required, and builds into two bright-colored robots, one red and one yellow, each posable upon completion with an opening hatch.  Two unpainted figures are also included--a boy and a girl--to serve as pilots for the robots. The profusely illustrated instructions are in Japanese and English, and it must be said that the cover illustration is the best thing ever!


Assembly Guide

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