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    Stearman PT-13D/N2S-2 (Resin Kit)
  • Status Discontinued
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1/32 Stearman PT-13D/N2S-2 (Resin Kit)

by Silver Wing

$137.87 USD $172.34 USD

This item is discontinued and is not expected to come back into stock.


This is a resin-cast aircraft kit.

From the manufacturers website:

"The Model 75/PT-13 was a standard primary trainer flown by the United States and several allied nations during the late 1930s through World War II. In 1933 Lloyd Stearman designed the forerunner of the Model 75, the Model 70, for the civilian market. Three years later, the U.S. Army Air Corps adopted a militarized version, designated the Model 75/PT-13. In 1938 Boeing purchased the Stearman Co., which continued producing the Model 75. There were many nearly identical models of the Model 75/PT-13, also known as the Stearman, Boeing Stearman or Kaydet. 

Well-liked by the students who flew, the Model 75 trained many thousands of pilots during WWII. Following WWII, the USAAF phased out the Model 75 in favor of more modern trainers. Of 10,346 Model 75 ordered for the United States and its allies, 2,141 were PT-13s for the USAAF." 

This 1/32 resin kit comes cast in grey resin with clear parts for the windscreens.  Also includes decals and a fret of photo-etched metal parts.


Assembly Guide

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