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    HGBF Mega Shiki Gundam
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1/144 HGBF Mega Shiki Gundam

by Bandai

$14.06 USD

This item is limited to 3 per person.

Temporarily out of stock. Place an order now to enter the purchase queue when stock becomes available. Future arrival date is currently unknown.


This is a posable, high-grade or better injection-plastic kit of an item from the Gundam universe.

Shunsuke Sudou's Mega-Shiki has arrived from Gundam Build Fighters -- a truly impressive kit! Molded in multiple colors -- grey, violet, white, pale blue, and translucent yellow -- paint is unnecessary unless you're feeling the urge to detail-up this Gundam unit. The included assembly instructions are in Japanese but are fully-illustrated for ease of assembly for any gunpla builder!

The Megashiki comes with two beam swords, a beam rifle, and a backpack unit which can transform into the Mega Rider, Mega Flyer, or Mega Launcher.


Assembly Guide

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