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    HG MS-06CK Zaku Half Cannon
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1/144 HG MS-06CK Zaku Half Cannon

by Bandai

$14.16 USD

This item is limited to 3 per person.

Temporarily out of stock. Place an order now to enter the purchase queue when stock becomes available. Future arrival date is currently unknown.


This is a posable, high-grade or better injection-plastic kit of an item from the Gundam universe.

The Zaku Half Cannon from "Mobile Suit Gundam - The Origin MSD" makes its High Grade kit debut! Its characteristic 180mm cannon and gatling gun are included, and you can also hook up the twin big guns to the backpack. It's also got a Heat Hawk in both deployed and stored form. Foil stickers are provided for the markings.


  • 180mm Cannon
  • Gatling Gun
  • Big Gun (x2)
  • Heat Hawk (deployed)
  • Heat Hawk (stored)


Assembly Guide

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