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    Deckel Model FP1 Universal Precision Milling Machine
  • Status Discontinued
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  • Price $23.88 USD
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1/12 Deckel Model FP1 Universal Precision Milling Machine

by Fine Molds

$23.88 USD $26.53 USD

This item is discontinued and is not expected to come back into stock.


This is an assembly kit of a space exploration vehicle or other non-fictional mechanism.

Fine Molds continues its machine madness with this very interesting entry: the Deckel Model FP1 Universal Precision Milling Machine! This machine was a staple of German machine shops since 1930, and was even carried on U-Boats during the war to carry out emergency repairs!

This highly-detailed snap-together kit of the Deckel FP1 features many working parts that give you a great idea of how the actual machine operated. Includes self-adhesive seals for the markings. Stands 14.2cm (5-5/16 inches) high when assembled.


Assembly Guide

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