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    Scary Miss Mary
  • Status Discontinued
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  • Price $29.91 USD
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Scary Miss Mary

by Art Storm

$29.91 USD $37.39 USD

This item is discontinued and is not expected to come back into stock.


This is a fully completed and painted figure.

She's really sweet, she's cute as pie, she just has an unhealthy addition to cutting things. And people. This is an adorable PVC figure of Miss Mary, wielding her beloved knife! A fixed-pose figure though her wrist does turn to provide 'knife-gouging wrist action'. From the box:

"Scary Miss Mary is not like most 8 year old girls. Born into a family of knife throwers, Mary developed an affinity for shiny, sharp things! She collects new and interesting pieces anywhere and everywhere she can. Sometimes her hobby lands her in a bit of a gory mess when she tries to enlighten the world with the joys of a well-oiled chainsaw or the thrill of sleeping on a bed of shiny new nailis! She never means any harm, Scary Miss Mary's just got other interests!"


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